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ARABAD NEWSLETTER October, 18 2024

The last picture show? On Lebanon’s film and production sector

Industry Talk

If you want to know what it takes to bring a production industry to its knees, ask the Lebanese. The political, economic and pandemic-related crises that have consumed the country have almost destroyed one of the region’s greatest assets – Lebanon’s film and production sector.

  As Paul Sabbagh, the managing director of Wonderful Productions, notes, the country’s successive crises initially led to a total paralysis of production. This was followed by the migration of talent and many of the companies that employed them. Just like their counterparts in the advertising …

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2022, this was the year that was for Lebanon’s ad industry


"Now is the winter of our discontent" – the opening line of Richard III by William Shakespeare – applies to Lebanese advertisers, who are currently experiencing "the decade of our discontent." Granted, the decade is still young but the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 have been difficult for everyone in the advertising industry.

Official numbers indicate that ad spend in Lebanon was 4.5 USD per person in 2021, but Naji Boulos, founder of Jicébé and a knowledgeable source in the industry, regards even those incredibly dismal figures as “embellishments,” estimating the real numbers to …

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Wonderful campaign by Impact BBDO designed to bring a new light of hope for Arabian Leopards

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Al-Futtaim IKEA offers stress-free shopping experience for couples with ‘Couch Counselling’

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Natasha Romariz Maasri: ’I reserve the right to change my opinion on anything’

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Khaled AlShehhi honoured with Dubai Lynx 2023 Advertising Person of the Year, Outstanding Contribution

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