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ARABAD NEWSLETTER October, 18 2024

Public relations in the dock

Industry Talk

PR is big business in the GCC. Investments are pouring in, independent agencies are flourishing, and the industry has embraced data analytics and AI-powered tools as it continues on its journey of transformation. So why are agencies failing at media relations?

   Press releases are still being emailed out blindly and are largely irrelevant to the recipient. The majority are missing a name or introduction, although ‘dear media representative’ is favoured by those who choose to include formalities. Annoying follow-up emails are the norm, and yet PR practitioners routinely ignore journalists when contacted …

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Tahaab Rais: ‘I’d love to see award shows where consumers judge us’


What’s your take on this year’s results at the Dubai Lynx?

Speaking neutrally, it was a very competitive Dubai Lynx after quite a few years, wasn’t it? You really didn’t know who was going to rank 1, 2 and 3 until the closing stages of the night! On the flip side, I do believe several juries were unnecessarily brutal with the number of awards given to work across agencies and should’ve awarded more work. A lot of agencies and teams worked really hard on not just the work but on presenting it to juries, during …

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Andrej Arsenijevic: ‘Dubai has an exciting energy’

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Mohamed Bareche: 'Dubai, a city in constant evolution just like the creative industry'

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You Experience gives Toblerone’s latest packs a delicious revamp

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Susana Tsui Fitzpatrick appointed CEO of UM UAE

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