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ARABAD NEWSLETTER October, 18 2024

Welcome to the world of creative commerce


When Wunderman Thompson Riyadh picked up the creative commerce grand prix at Cannes in June, it shone a light on a category that remains relatively unknown in the Middle East and North Africa. What is this newfangled term? Why is it important?

Strangely, the agencys Subconscious Orderfor food delivery app HungerStation wasnt even shortlisted in the creative commerce category at the Dubai Lynx, raising questions once again about the quality of the judging. It did, however, pick up a grand prix in mobile for an innovative feature …

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Tahaab Rais: ‘The ideal agency has strategy at its core’


When Tahaab Rais joined the creative effectiveness jury at Cannes in June, he was the first person from the region to ever do so. Understandably delighted, he viewed his position on the jury as both a privilege and a responsibility, soaking up the atmosphere at the Palais des Festivals and revelling in the experience of judging some of the best work in the world.

  Now he’s sitting opposite me at Attiko Dubai, discussing that experience. “What was very interesting to see is how that best work, as an …

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Ad industry and the rise of the machines

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Is ‘Attention’ Getting Your Attention?

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Grey Colombia turns Pringles cans into a microphone amplifier & streaming device

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Connecting creators with enterprises through Eyedias, a new co-creation platform launched in Egypt

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